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The Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST) is a fully Chartered Institute established through a Legislative Act of the Pakistan Assembly (Sindh Act No. XI of 1995) and is approved and recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan, as a degree granting institution. SZABIST has campuses in Karachi, Islamabad, Larkana, Dubai (UAE) and Hyderabad. So great was the attachment of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto with SZABIST Islamabad campus, as she herself along with experts and relevant officials had made the design and sketch of this Institute in Dubai.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

  Parents, Teachers Differ Over Use Of Social Media

Whether social media is a wastage of time or an effective tool of learning was the topic which generated an interesting debate between students, their parents and teachers at an orientation ceremony 2013 organized by Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST ) Islamabad.
 The ceremony was held to welcome the fresh students of Bachelors, Masters and PhDs in the disciplines of Management Sciences, Computer Sciences, Social Sciences and Media Sciences.
Parents and teachers were of the opinion that students use social media and internet for fun purposes and do not utilize it for seeking knowledge.
They said young generation glued to face book, twitter and other social networking sites for hours and this enormous wastage of time badly affects their education.
Parents and teachers also complained that the use of social media has to some extent distracted students from studies which is reflected in the students declining grades.
On the other hand students held opposing views and they argued that internet and social media have actively augmented their learning and expose them to numerous sources of knowledge.

They said social media is proving to be the most effective channel of information for them which has broadened their vision and perception regarding a lot of important issues.
The two sides had held opposing views over the use of mobile technology with parents terming it are not so healthy tool for the youngsters as long calls on cheap rate packages and constant messaging wastes a great deal of time, whereas the students termed mobile the most effective mean of communication and information.

The debate finally come to a conclusion when High Commissioner of Kenya Her Excellency H. E. Mrs. Mishi Masika Mwatsahu who was the chief guest on the occasion intervened to say that balance and moderation is the best way to solve the issue.
Her Excellency Mrs.Mishi Masika is a SZABIST alumni who studied EMBA and graduated in 2006.

She says Pakistan has good educational institutions which is why she preferred studying here But adding that a lot more needs to be done to revolutionize the education sector in order to ensure  country’s progress and development.

Director SZABIST Islamabad campus Syed Asad Hussain  said that Pakistan offers  great opportunities and career’s aspects provided students remain committed to serve the country with utmost sincerity and dedication. 

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