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The Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST) is a fully Chartered Institute established through a Legislative Act of the Pakistan Assembly (Sindh Act No. XI of 1995) and is approved and recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan, as a degree granting institution. SZABIST has campuses in Karachi, Islamabad, Larkana, Dubai (UAE) and Hyderabad. So great was the attachment of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto with SZABIST Islamabad campus, as she herself along with experts and relevant officials had made the design and sketch of this Institute in Dubai.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

16th National Research Conference:

Students Present Research Papers On Issues of Public Interest

Over 190 students of Ms and PhD presented their research papers on a variety of topics related to public interest at a three day 16th National Research Conference concluded here in Islamabad.

The conference organized by Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology(SZABIST) Islamabad campus invited students from different private and public sector universities to come and present their research papers before a committee of education experts which after due scrutiny  and evaluation will make the papers public for common benefit of the masses.

 Once the committee decides on the authenticity and accuracy of the papers they are expected to bring to light several interesting findings particularly related to socio-culture sphere and significantly contributes towards raising awareness about the prevailing issues.
Over the next few weeks committee members will be hectically engaged in reviewing the research papers.

The conference is a biannual feature of SZABIST which is aimed at encouraging students to explore the unexplored issues within the area of their interest.

They were given a period of four month to carry out an extensive research in fields of Management Sciences, Computer Sciences and Social Sciences.

While presenting his research at the conference a student of MS- Management Sciences   Muhammad Imdad- ullah  said that unnecessary strict and hard treatment of  teachers with students at primary and secondary level is a  major factor in driving students out of schools  and hampering efforts to enhance literacy  rate.

 He said students need to be dealt with politeness and tenderness in order to maintain their interest in studies and thus produce an educated young generation.

Another student named Nadia Elyas of MS-Social Sciences while sharing her paper said that lack of knowledge about   psychiatric disorders and delay in seeking their treatments is causing an increase in the rates of suicides.

She said that depression, frustration, and anxiety are serious mental health disorders which the society is not generally sensitive towards.
Warning that these problems if left untreated can force a person of any age group to take his or her own life.

Similar other issues were also touched upon in the research papers presented by students in order to trigger an overall social behavioral change.

These included impacts of text messages on youth, psychological exploration of elderly people, hepatitis B & C transmission, financial development and economic growth  and many more.

Prominent political and defense analyst Lt. Gen (R) Talat Masood was also present during the conference.

Meanwhile SZABIST signed an Memorandum of Understanding with (IRM) Institute of Rural Management (an organization working to reduce poverty prevailing among the rural masses through a variety of training programmes) with an aim to explore cooperation in research projects and capacity building initiatives.

Chief Executive Officer ,IRM Mr.Roomi S.Hayat  and Program Manager  MS-Management Sciences  SZABIST, Dr.Sajid Hussain Awan inked the MoU.

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